Friday, 10 July 2009

Credit Card Mailers: Straw Poll

Whenever someone inquires about my profession, the exchanges inevitably leads to the question of marketing mailers, those pieces of glossy, high-quality printed fliers and brochures that sells everything from low cost balance transfers, to the latest offers at named retailers.

To the marketer, they are precious pieces of articles that represent possible the only tangible form of direct communication from the card marketer to the consumer/cardholder. On the other hand, the everyday consumer tends to look upon them with disdain and sometimes annoyance.

I will attempt to do the first (at least, it is the first that I know of) scientific market research on what people actually do with their statement inserts (as it is known in the business).

Please help in the research by following the link and casting your vote:

Hopefully, I can get some interesting results and share some insights on the phenomenon.

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